© Lise Wulff

ArtCOP21 and the Paris Climate Conference

The Scream from Nature eco art project features on the ArtCOP21 web page. During the COP in Paris, gathering some 190 countries, ArtCOP21 presents art events and actions on climate change.

The Scream from Nature project invites people to recreate the shape of the iconic and anxiety-ridden face of Edvard Munch’s famous The Scream, outdoors, in any material. In November 2015 – January 2016, peoples’ contribution will be shown on screen in the hall of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, in collaboration with EducaThyssen and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Madrid.

Invitation video in Spanish >>>. Project high lights video in English >>>

Skjermbilde 2015-12-29 kl. 18.26.51


Skjermbilde 2015-12-29 kl. 20.02.37 Skjermbilde 2015-12-29 kl. 18.28.19