Speech and workshop at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
In relation to the exhibition “Edvard Munch. Arquetipos” at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, Lise Wulff was invited to speak about Edvard Munch, his view on and use of nature, as well as her own art works in nature.

A main theme of the speech was how everything is interconnected, clearly stated here by Edvard Munchs lovely woodcut Kiss, where not only the man and women melt into one, but even the material of the work melts into the rendered figures. Same theme, treated in a completely different manner, but also using wood, is Wulff’s Woven Water. The water and the wooden boards have taken the place of the yarn as the threads of a weave.
The session also included a work shop where the participants joined in Wulff’s eco-art project The Scream from Nature, itself inspired by the famous The Scream by Edvard Munch.